Overcoming the Frustrating: Unable to Connect 2 Lambdas with Event Bridge?
Image by Taj - hkhazo.biz.id

Overcoming the Frustrating: Unable to Connect 2 Lambdas with Event Bridge?

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Are you tired of struggling to connect your Lambdas with Event Bridge? Do error messages and failed attempts leave you feeling defeated? Worry no more! This comprehensive guide is here to walk you through the process step-by-step, ensuring a seamless integration of your Lambdas with Event Bridge.

What is Event Bridge and Why Do I Need It?

Event Bridge is a fully managed event bus service that allows you to integrate your applications, services, and infrastructure with Event-Driven Architecture (EDA). It enables you to capture and respond to events from various sources, such as AWS services, SaaS applications, and custom applications. By using Event Bridge, you can:

  • Create a centralized event hub for your applications
  • Decouple your applications and services for greater flexibility
  • Implement event-driven architecture for real-time event processing
  • Reduce complexity and improve scalability

The Problem: Unable to Connect 2 Lambdas with Event Bridge

You’ve likely encountered this issue before: you’ve created two Lambdas, set up your Event Bridge, and tried to connect them, but nothing seems to work. The error messages are cryptic, and you’re left wondering what’s going on. Don’t worry; you’re not alone. This section will help you identify the common pitfalls and mistakes that lead to this frustrating issue.

Mistake 1: Incorrect Event Bus ARN

Double-check that you’re using the correct Event Bus ARN when creating your Event Bridge. A single mistake in the ARN can prevent the connection from working.


Mistake 2: Inadequate IAM Permissions

Ensure that your Lambda execution role has the necessary permissions to access Event Bridge. You’ll need to add the following permissions:

  • events:PutEvents
  • events:PutTargets
  • events:ListTargetsByRule
  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
      "Sid": "AllowPutEvents",
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Action": "events:PutEvents",
      "Resource": "arn:aws:events:*region*:account_id:event-bus/*"

Mistake 3: Misconfigured Event Pattern

Verify that your Event Pattern is correctly configured to match the events you want to capture. A misconfigured pattern can prevent your Lambdas from receiving events.

  "source": ["com.example.myapp"],
  "detail-type": ["MyEvent"]

Solution: Step-by-Step Guide to Connecting 2 Lambdas with Event Bridge

Now that we’ve covered the common mistakes, let’s dive into the step-by-step process of connecting your Lambdas with Event Bridge.

Step 1: Create an Event Bus

Go to the AWS Management Console and navigate to the Event Bridge dashboard. Click on “Create event bus” and provide a name and description for your event bus.

Field Value
Name my-event-bus
Description My sample event bus

Step 2: Create Lambda Function 1

Create a new Lambda function using your preferred programming language (e.g., Node.js, Python, Java). Make sure to set the handler to the entry point of your function.

exports.handler = async (event) => {
  return { statusCode: 200 };

Step 3: Create Lambda Function 2

Follow the same process as Step 2 to create your second Lambda function.

exports.handler = async (event) => {
  return { statusCode: 200 };

Step 4: Create an Event Rule

Go back to the Event Bridge dashboard and click on “Create rule”. Provide a name and description for your rule, and select the event bus you created in Step 1.

Field Value
Name my-event-rule
Description My sample event rule
Event bus my-event-bus

Step 5: Add Event Targets

In the “Add targets” section, select “Lambda function” as the target type and choose your first Lambda function. Repeat this process for your second Lambda function.

Target Function
Target 1 lambda-function-1
Target 2 lambda-function-2

Step 6: Test Your Setup

Use the AWS CLI or the Event Bridge console to send an event to your event bus. Verify that both Lambda functions receive the event and process it correctly.

aws events put-events --entries file://event.json

Common Troubleshooting Scenarios

If you’re still experiencing issues, here are some common troubleshooting scenarios to consider:

Scenario 1: Events Not Being Sent

Check the Event Bridge console for any error messages. Ensure that your Lambda functions have the necessary permissions to access Event Bridge.

Scenario 2: Lambda Functions Not Receiving Events

Verify that your Lambda functions are correctly configured to process events. Check the CloudWatch logs for any error messages.

Scenario 3: Event Pattern Not Matching

Review your Event Pattern to ensure it matches the events you’re sending. Use the Event Bridge console to test your pattern and verify that it’s correctly configured.

By following this comprehensive guide, you should be able to successfully connect your Lambdas with Event Bridge. Remember to double-check your configuration, permissions, and event patterns to ensure a seamless integration. Happy coding!

Keyword density: 1.4%

Frequently Asked Question

Are you stuck trying to connect two lambdas with EventBridge? Don’t worry, you’re not alone! Here are some frequently asked questions to help you troubleshoot the issue.

Why can’t I connect my two lambdas with EventBridge?

Make sure you’ve given the necessary permissions to your lambda functions to interact with EventBridge. Check your IAM roles and policies to ensure they have the correct permissions. Also, verify that your lambda functions are in the same region as your EventBridge.

How do I troubleshoot EventBridge connection issues?

Check the CloudWatch logs for your lambda functions and EventBridge to see if there are any error messages. You can also enable tracing in your lambda functions to get more detailed information about the execution. Additionally, verify that your lambda functions are correctly configured to send events to EventBridge.

Do I need to use an API Gateway to connect my lambdas with EventBridge?

No, you don’t need an API Gateway to connect your lambdas with EventBridge. You can use EventBridge as an event-driven architecture to trigger your lambdas directly. However, if you need to expose an API endpoint to receive events, then an API Gateway might be necessary.

Can I use EventBridge to connect lambdas across different accounts?

Yes, you can use EventBridge to connect lambdas across different accounts. However, you need to set up cross-account permissions and configure your EventBridge to allow events to be sent and received across accounts.

How do I handle retries and dead-letter queues with EventBridge?

You can configure retries and dead-letter queues for your EventBridge targets, including lambda functions. This allows you to handle errors and exceptions more robustly and ensure that your events are not lost.

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